


batanggwapo313.474 months agoPeakD4 min read

Ducks are messy species of birds. They like splashing around and they require bath like buffalos do, and continuous food like Bantris chickens, they can’t stand on hot weather because they have big thick feathers that may easily pulled off. An Average adult male duck weighs 3 kilogram while female ducks can weigh up to 2 kilogram and can lay up to 15 eggs.



My mom built this coop for 4 months now and evidently it swayed and is feeble due to age for she used minimal materials only. She used column made from Tisa branch which is a durable wood. She used the excess 7feet x 5 feet green net with .75-inch hole for fencing; and a spare cable wire for fencing support.

Now, the problem is that my father who is daily feeding the ducks cannot clean the food tray and the bathing-wheel since the fence is 7-feet high. Thus, cleaning is due twice a month only. The inside floor space is smelly and the ducks are dirty. The roofing has lots of chicken manure since the coop is placed under a Mansinitos tree which is the perch for chickens every night.



Being bored by school-works, this Saturday morning I have decided to repair the coop now as to allow my father to feed and clean them properly. Repairing this makes a safe and lovely place for ducks because a clean environment is pleasing to both the eyes and our health.

Let me solve to you the proper ways in repairing or building a coop with even just small amount:

The first step in building a duck coop is to determine its appropriate area proportional to the number of ducks. Generally, each duck requires 2 square meter of floor space (or 2 steps diagonally). Unlike farm chickens, the nesting boxes should be separated from the roaming coop to avoid the eggs from splashes of water and should have a solid floor to prevent predators from digging underneath it. Ducks are dumb and clumsy birds. The coop should be located in a shaded area to protect the ducks from the sun during the hottest parts of the day.

To build a coop, we will need only few materials like wood, fencing net, roofing, stones and nails.

Firstly, layout the area and temporarily stuck a twig on each 4 corners.

Next, dig at least ¾ feet unto the ground for the column. Upon bulging a column, insert stones around each to ensure the strength and durability of the fencing. Then, nail all the column with each other as brace. In this case of my coop, I utilize the Sabana tree as one of the columns for best and strong result.

Then, stretch around the fencing material. Ducks cannot run as fast as chickens. They cannot even fly like chickens do. They only run swaying their butt with a scary face and opened beak.

Then, install the flooring. We may use stones, bricks, or cementation. Ducks like cold places. Do not use wood because wood may rupture due to the poop and can become the passage for termites and Agay-ay (wood excrement left by insect larvae). Concrete cement is easily washed than wood. In my case, I got no amount for cement flooring for my ducks since I only got 2 ducks and these are for food when occasions arrive hehe (not for business or petting).

Lastly, install the roof. But ducks like water so I recommend roofing is optional. My duck are used to no roofs and they look healthy already. No worries people.


To synthesize, building a duck coop requires a minimal planning, gathering the strong materials, and following the steps outlined above. By taking time to build a functional and aesthetically pleasing coop, you will surely produce your ducks a safe and comfortable house while also enjoying the beauty of your backyard farm. Happy building! And be ready with the quack! quack! noise. haha.

As carpentry is my passion, I enjoy repairing it despite its dirty and smelly job. No regrets. Just good happy thoughts and a magnificently sweaty job. Just enjoying my time here with a fresh buko juice .





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