#LOH contest 159/ My Favorite Holiday
I love holidays a lot! I work nine hours during the day and I have a family to take care of before and after work.
Holiday season is a time to relax, enjoy and be rejuvenated for the next phase.
My favorite holiday of the year is the Christmas 🎄 holiday. The summer holidays is usually longer than the Christmas holiday but the Christmas holiday for me is a very special time. It's a festive season and I don't take it for granted especially as a Christian.
I prepare start preparing for it before the end of the year and plan towards it because it usually involves traveling with the kids.
The Christmas holiday involves Celebrating, sacrifice, giving and showing love.
I may not be able to see my parents and in-laws all through the year, so, Christmas season is the time I have to do all that.
Family members come together and we get to celebrate together. Eating drinking, and making merry. There is a whole lot to eat and drink during this season and I love that aspect of it.
During the Christmas holiday, I get to see my parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, my kids get to see their cousins and play with their grandparents, aunties and uncles. We talk about almost everything because the house is full and we try to catch up on issues we have missed.
I get to enjoy the fresh air and the serenity of the environment and peace from the hustling and bustling of the city where we live. so, the Christmas holiday is usually a good time for me mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Another aspect of this Holiday is about gifts. We get to give and receive gifts from everyone around for Christmas. My son looks forward to this and he also makes me get the gift he will present to his grandparents, aunties and uncles, and his cousins. No matter how little we get gifts for everyone and we receive gifts from them as well.
This is my response to Ladies of hive prompt 159.
Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate you.
Yours truly @aunty-tosin 💕💕
