We are strong Community, when we help each other!
Welcome Guys!
So many things shake the scene and I just can't walk around without saying a word. So there are my few words about current situation and how i feel like a bloger and Splinterlands player.
Power of Community
Hive blockchain, if I good remember have 6 years, this is hard fork of steem blockchain. Many years pass away, but i think that we are in similar situations like years ago, when the whole Community was devoted and fights for our top witness to hold steem chain until time, where we will make hive hard fork. After many days, many power ups and many words spreading around we finally were able to defend our decentralized chain and fork out Justin Sun, which bought Steem blockchain but not own Community. As we know, you can have as much money you can, but you can't buy everything, you can't buy Community. I know we are strong, we survived even worse times together and I think we will survive this time with Splinterlands on hive blockchain!
We are Hive we are revolution
No matter what gonna happen I will always support decentralization, hive and bright future of Splinterlands. You can agree or not, but last bull run with SPS token brought so many fresh blood to hive, so many users, which still are here and support blockchain games build here on hive! It's simple, if you want revolution just join us, be we us, when we try to survive these hard times. Someone said long time ago that hard times made people heros, which become legend and after time a myth. Let's make history together. Let's be the ones who can save Splinterlands and get more people with ads to hive blockchain. We can all benefit from it!
Dear Hive user Splinterlands need your help!
I am here from the start, I was on steem years ago and I am now here in current times. I really value hive and even more our devoted Community, but don't forget that Splinterlands now need our help to survive these hard times. You can help like everyone with big heart, you just need to vote for dhf Splinterlands proposal!
If you are not familar with voting for hive proposal you need to know that to get funds, proposal need to have all time support above return proposal, which you see at this screen above. We are currenty several milions hive power away from funding Splinterlands proposal. Every vote with hive power count, we are strong together! There is 174 days left of funding, but every day without Hive Community approvement, we not get funds and we lose more funds each day without your support.
I hope we can unite once again and show that we are strong as Hive & Splinterlands Community!
I wish all great day!