
Freedom is Crashed between Parents Possessiveness and Kid Innocence


aslamrer2.5 K28 days ago5 min read



Hello Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. The environment and company in which a man is born or is grown have great impact on his personality, habits and living. He has to adopt his environment for his survival. In this race of adoption, sometimes we learned something either good or bad from outside instead of our home. God has blessed us with many sublime features and much advanced analytical skills. Everyone has different level of learning. Some are fast learners and some are slow learners like me. Our first learning started from our home. At home, our parents play the big role in sharping our personality and growing us according to the modern era or according to the concerned society in which we are living. Their inputs for their kid's future can be 100 %. But the output they get from their kids can never cross 60 %. If you are parents and are suffering with this outcome report from your children then there is no need to worry. Let us understand what is the real parenting role essential for the bright future of kids.

Nature likes Heterogeneity

We all have Heterogeneous genetic make up. Our parents inherited us their genetic role. During meiosis, crossing over between chromosomes resulted into genetic variations. These genetic variations ensured heterogeneous role in the offsprings. It is the main reason, sometimes our kids have more advanced features than us and sometimes they are lacked of features that we have. In short, our kids can't be similar to us. When nature has not put any burden on our kids for similarities then we should be flexible in the growth phase of our kids. It is normal nowadays that kids didn't follow many things what their parents expected from them.


Freedom has Positive Role

Although I'm still single and to be a father is still a dream for me but I've observed many things in my society that I want to share about parenting. Parents should have flexible nature for their kids. We can't forced them to follow specific protocol for spending life on this planet. We should respect the freedom of our kids. We should encourage their freedom for selection of carrier, selection for culture and selection of religion when they get mature. In my family, I've witnessed very typical parenting approach that was wrong not only for me but time also proved it wrong. My immediate cousin wanted to be a doctor after 10th Grade. But his parents were forcing him to adopt Mathematics Course as they wanted their kids to be a future Engineer. After a lot of controversy and dispute with parents, my cousin left his house and visited our house to meet my mother on the most important matter about his future.



After acknowledging all things, my mother took stand for her nephew and called to his parents that he would reside in our house until he wanted. First my cousin's parents denied but when my mother warned them about the outcome because my cousin was ready to leave their house and would reside anywhere, they accepted my mother's suggestion after hearing these words. My cousin spent many years with me, he was a great student and I always praised his biology skills. He topped this subject in the class and now is MBBS doctor. With many memories, he also learned about our city culture. When he returned back his home after getting admission in MBBS, his parents were surprised to see his dressing, behaviour and attitude. Now they were repenting over their forceful decisions that were making about his future. As my cousin family belongs to Rural Area but now my cousin is free in modern dressing and free in thoughts. My mother gave him lessons that we are free to adopt what is peaceful and beautiful for us. We should not be source of pain for our parents but parents also respect our freedom about selection of important things. When he implemented some of these things learned from my mother, now he is much groomed. The ideas of his parents changed about him. Although he is different man from his parents but his parents are still happy by not imposing their past things on their son.


Still I'm single but when God will gift me parenting then I have promised to Him that I shall reward my all kids learning about goods and bad. After giving learning, I shall let them free in choice. It will be upon them either they choses right path or wrong path, either they obey me or not. I shall never force them for anything. I believe when we give freedom to our kids, then they can use all their potential. When we sit good examples of honesty and truth in front of them, then they freely learn about them.



When we have trained good to our kids then we shouldn't have doubt about their character or anything. After my this lenient behaviour, if unfortunately my kids didn't do what I expect then I shall show patience and will make their favourite my favourite. Their choice, my choice and their likeness my likeness. It is the best parenting love that can change their mind by love. We can't force our kids for any change.

This post is my entry for HL Weekly Featured Content A Change Child. I hope, you learned something good about parenting. Thanks!

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