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Income Generation through Dual Investment

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asgharali6.6 K26 days ago3 min read

In the crypto realm, there are numerous tactics that investors must choose from in order to maximize their profits. Undoubtedly, each technique has advantages and disadvantages.

But today, in this piece, I've brought you the ideal approach for earning good money while investing half in cryptocurrency and half in stable coins. This means that your money is often divided in half between crypto and stable currency.

This is the method that I will explain with you, and if you find it instructive, go with it; else, leave it and start looking for another ideal strategy to earn cryptocurrency.
This is really silly if you have money in the market, but you can still make a single dollar. I know many people who have enough of money in their wallets and are investing in various coins, but they aren't making any money.

However, in today's essay, you will learn how to generate fast money through investments.

It is up to you whether you want to invest the entirety of your funds in cryptocurrency or keep 50% of your portfolio in stable coins at all times.
#Binance has a dual investment plan, which is undoubtedly a high-risk strategy, but it is beneficial to investors who want to invest in any cryptocurrency or who are already invested.

Let's get started with the technique that I find useful and beneficial. I've done it multiple times, and to be honest, this method provided me with remarkable rewards.

There are approximately 14 coins in dual investment that are available for subscription, and nearly all of these coins are fundamentally solid, with the majority ranking among the top ten crypto coins.
Suppose I have $4000 USDT and wish to invest $2000 in any cryptocurrency listed under Dual-Investment.

With this method, I will prefer #Bitcoin, which is a much safer and intrinsically stronger coin. The goal of dual investment is to take advantage of the high APR while locking in your funds for the agreed-upon period of time.

Those who are unfamiliar with the Dual Investment product can read my prior postings to learn more about it and how it works.
What I'll do is just keep Bitcoin at 5% below its current price at "BUY LOW" and 5% higher at "SELL HIGH". If Bitcoin falls by 5%, all of my USDT will be converted into Bitcoin at a 5% discount to the current price, and I will receive the set APR for the locked period.
The annual percentage rate (APR) varies with market volatility. Similarly, if the price of Bitcoin rises by 5%, I will sell all of my Bitcoin holdings for a 5% profit and the fixed APR that is locked in for the agreed-upon time period.
This is the case you must follow at all times. Most of the time, you should strive to keep half of your funds in USDT and half in cryptocurrency. This is a win-win for all investors.

I hope you find this post interesting and I hope you will like it. If you like the post, please leave feedback in the comments section so that the next one will be even better. Thank you for sticking with me until the end.




REMEMBER: We should prepare for the unexpected and hope for the best. Life may not be easy, but you must do your best and leave the rest to God.


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