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Visiting a Simple Cafe Over the Sea

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arasiko429.7423 days agoPeakD5 min read


Hello beloved hivean friends... How are you? As usual, I hope you are all well today and also hope that tomorrow will be even better!!

 This trip I will invite you to play at the beach again and again. The tourist beaches in the area where I live have quite a lot of location points, and you know I haven't been able to spend much time exploring all the beaches in this area. However, every free time like holidays I take this great opportunity to go on a fun trip with the people closest to me, of course my friends.



 This morning I prepared early, I will go on a fun trip to one of the tourist attractions, namely Laut Lancok beach. This sea is in one of the districts of North Aceh, precisely in the Bayu sub-district in Lancok village.



 This beach itself is managed by local residents who live in the village. They generally spend their time working by utilizing marine products. The journey is very beautiful and very nice around the road before arriving at the beach location where there is a local pond with a view of the surrounding mangrove forest. What's interesting is that they keep many types of marine biota both in ponds and cages.


 There is something popular about this beach, namely the abundance of seafood, but unfortunately I entered the wrong location at that time so I couldn't find a location that sold various seafood. Maybe on another occasion I will invite you to relax and enjoy seafood there.





 I chose one of the locations to relax which is around the sea. I chose the mother's canteen. This canteen has a simple design made of wood like a house on stilts. This restaurant has a classic style with light green color. However, there is something quite pleasant because the place is on the water close to the beach. The place is very high above sea level so it is very pleasant and cool when relaxing.



 The small passages to enter the relaxing area are quite neatly made of wooden planks but are quite sturdy even if you run around up here.



 Their plastic chairs are neatly lined up, not only that, other places to relax such as lesehan are also available. I chose the lesehan place because I wanted to lie down there for a while. Because the weather is really nice to lie down and sleep comfortably on the wooden wall with a direct view of the sea.


 I ordered a glass of capuccino blend, I liked the texture of this drink. At the same time, to get rid of sleepiness, this drink is a very suitable alternative.



 Relaxing and enjoying a cold drink directly on the beach is very enjoyable. It feels really good to be here, even though this is the first time, it is a new, unforgettable experience. I will come back here again of course in a different location. This sea is beautiful and has different characteristics from other seas in my area.


 So, for those of you who want to visit the beach with a sea view and the cafe is above sea level, this is a very pleasant location to visit.

All images are mine and taken using the Samsung Galaxy A72 cellphone camera. I wrote all the words or sentences first in the smartphone notes application in Indonesian, then I translated them using the Google Translate application.

Who Am I?

The words Who am I take from one of the famous films starring a top artist named Jackie Chan, this film is called Who Am I ?

I am is a man named Aramiko born in 1993 from Indonesian Country. I really like new things, because it can make me better, add experience, and add insight. One of the new things is knowing, learning and joining this hive.blog. I am very happy to join this hive.blog because I get new things that I did not know before. The posts that I share here are about natural scenery, food, flowers, art, traveling, these are all according to my hobbies and I really like and enjoy them. I also like things about Fisheries, Agriculture and Livestock.


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