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Censorship in Web 2.0 comes in many ways. Totalitarian-like ways


anomadsoul19 K3 years ago5 min read

Everyone knows about the unilateral decision YouTube made a few days ago, and it is no surprise to anyone that they are so disconnected to their audience and have one thing and only one thing on their mind, that they just don't care about the user's feedback: Pushing their narrative and following their agenda.


Perhaps the term Totalitarian is really an exageration or overreaction, because Susan Wojcicki's position in Youtube is just a simple CEO, and comparing her to Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, or Tito, is a parabolyc and unfair comparison. But since Susan Acquired her position, she's been power blind and the trend YT has been following is one close - if not in the realms - of censorship of the user's freedom of speech wielded by totalitarianism.

Censorship doesn't need to come in the form of silencing someone, or coertion to silence someone, or removing one's audience or platform. Censorship can come in a very much more subtle way.

Censorship can come in the form of removing one's ability to express what they want to express.

By removing dislike counts from videos, JewTube - sorry, couldn't resist to play on with the meme - is effectively removing one of the most - if not the most - important tools that users utilize to rapidly asses if a video is worth their time. It is simple, if a video has 10,000 views, 500 likes and 5,000 dislikes, the video is simply not worth their time.

First Mrs. Wojcicki decided her country platform would offer the content creators the option of disabling comments on their videos, giving them the chance to avoid any criticism from their audience, negating any type of feeedback to other users - and even the content creators themselves - and rendering the comment section, one of the most important sources of information about the video itself for other potential viewers, useless.

Despite the numerous complaints from millions of users about both the disabled comments and removed dislikes, YouTubes cares little about this, because even though YT loses money, the agenda behind owning the largest video platform (and probably largest media sharing website) and pushing certain narrative into our people's (and our children's) minds, is way more important.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg, right now, a faction of the US Political wings - and I won't mention one to not make this post a specific wing supporting post - is lobbying for...

Removing the Haha reaction from Facebook

Yeah, that's not a joke. There are actually some out there who believe the haha reaction is harmful towards some people.

Before discussing the ridiculous of this point of view, let's just think for a second. If Facebook decides to remove them, does the users have any say on this matter? No.

The truth is, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and the Tech giants are all colluded and following someone else's agenda. We the people are pawns, the Tech giants are the board and the minor pieces, but we are just part of a game they are playing and have full control of. Who's they? Who knows, but someone is pulling the strings, and it's definitely not the Zuckerboy, or Wojcicki, or Jack Dorsey.

But getting back on track, cause I don't want to sound like a conspiracy looney (theorist), even though I proudly am, the point here is that the Tech giants are in reality totalitarian mini-countries where they can implement anything they want, and the users have no say at all - and most likely, even if they had, they wouldn't exercise the right to do it.

I could make my best attempt at paraphrasing what an article about how harmful and problematic the haha emoji is, but I prefer to let you read some of the most ridiculous parts of it:

"The haha emoji is poisoning Facebook... has become the emoji of ridicule... While I'm training myself not to click on Facebook's comments section - and that addictive rush of outrage reading the horrendous views of strangers - the haha emoji is unavoidable...
...it takes just one person to click the avatar of vitriol and the post and my newsfeed is tainted forever. Even on stories where the comments are turned off, you'll still find that little androgynous face of scorn...

...the emoji of Brexit, Donald Trump and the anti-vaxxers. A weapon of the trolls in the time of culture wars...

...There's something about this particular character that just feels inherently mocking and cruel...

...the like button would be expanded to include a sweet of emojis: love, wow, sad, angry... and "haha". Thise bullies were gifted a new and more powerful tool...

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.

The Tech giants are using this kind of arguments wielded by weak people to push a well embraced censorship on their platform, and if that doesn't sounds totalitarian, I don't know what does.

Content creation Platforms acting as News Media

Where editing happens, filters are made, and narratives are followed. Any news corporation should follow certain rules and laws, but these social media websites are exempt from these laws and yet, they act like news media.

But, we know that's never going to happen, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube will continue to sail the waters of information with a flag of untouchable and, unless we get off our asses and do something about it, their monopoly will continue to thrive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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