Jugar es un derecho [ESP-ENG]

Amanda cumplió ocho años el 3 de noviembre, fecha de celebración de vida, para compartir el día especial con seres queridos. También es momento para recibir 🎁 como gesto, amor y amistad. Siempre acostumbro como madre comprar obsequios por parte de mi familia de Venezuela para Amanda. En esta oportunidad, los primos regalaron un juego de mesa que acostumbra la familia de Amanda a usar en un restaurante venezolano aquí en Argentina en espera de las pizzas. El papá y la hermana de Amanda se divierten jugando 4 en línea. Amanda se trazó la meta para aprender y lo logró. Por tanto, decidí adquirir este entretenimiento, el cual ha sido un juego para llevar a cualquier lugar para minimizar el uso del celular y estrategia para reducir el tiempo en espera.
Playing is an action that all children like; parents were part of that stage, and we surely remember from our childhood some game or favorite moment among family and friends. The #Motherhood community is a space to pronounce the need to play with children cultural or didactic activities that allow the development of different synergistic areas in the child. Exercise, at the same time, brings happiness and learning to the adult. Amanda turned eight years old on November 3, a date to celebrate life and to share the special day with loved ones. It is also a time to receive 🎁 as a gesture of love and friendship. It is always customary for me as a mother to buy gifts for Amanda from my family in Venezuela. This time, the cousins gave a board game that Amanda's family uses to use in a Venezuelan restaurant here in Argentina while waiting for pizzas. Amanda's dad and sister are having fun playing 4 in line. Amanda set herself the goal to learn, and she succeeded. Therefore, she decides to acquire this entertainment, which has been a game to take anywhere to minimize the use of the cell phone and strategy to reduce waiting time.
ENGLISH VERSION (click aquí!)
Amanda abre el regalo de cumpleaños, ella grita de emoción porque ahora tiene el recurso en el hogar con el propósito de divertirse cuando lo desee. Desde que este juego 4 en Línea está en casa, todos los viernes o sábados se ejecuta como actividad de ejercicio intelectual estratégico que incide en desafiar a los miembros de la familia. El objetivo del juego es hacer una fila diagonal, horizontal o vertical con 4 fichas del mismo color en un tablero de 21 casillas.
El juego de mesa 4 en Línea ha sido tan emocionante que es complejo hacer doble línea. Los jugadores contrincantes han creado otras dos versiones: uno jugar rápido sin tomarse mucho tiempo para crear la estrategia, el resultado risas y asombro. La segunda variante del juego, creado por la mamá de Amanda, es el siguiente: quien pierda debe pagar la penitencia de dejarse rayar la cara con el creyendo del kit de maquillaje de Amanda. Quien pensaría que esta última opción fue la de mayor diversión, porque exige mayor concentración estratégica para evitar ser maquillado de manera graciosa.
Amanda opens the birthday gift, she screams with excitement because she now has the resource at home for the purpose of having fun whenever she wants. Since this 4 in Line game has been at home, every Friday or Saturday it is played as a strategic intellectual exercise activity that challenges family members. The objective of the game is to make a diagonal, horizontal or vertical row with 4 pieces of the same color on a 21-square board. The board game 4 in Line has been so exciting that it is complex to make double lines. Opposing players have created two other versions: one playing fast without taking much time to create the strategy, resulting in laughter and amazement. The second variant of the game, created by Amanda's mom, is the following: whoever loses must pay the penance of scratching his or her face with the believer from Amanda's makeup kit. Who would think that this last option was the most fun because it requires more strategic concentration to avoid being made up funnily.
ENGLISH VERSION (click aquí!)

The importance of playing with children or small games that correspond to the age or adjusted to it, is to have fun; let yourself get lost in the innocence and happiness of the child to laugh along with them. Playing 4 in line makes us laugh because we win and lose; it helps to think and to develop values of solidarity and respect, as well as emotions and feelings. It is the opportunity to form lasting bonds and memories that will be stored to form a happy and secure subject. In this sense, Motherhood family, I invite you to participate in games that involve children and can create a bridge of love and happiness with the child during growth. In addition, it promotes learning and influences the progress of the adult as a vitamin of energy and loving enthusiasm filled with respect.
ENGLISH VERSION (click aquí!)
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