Amistad [ESP-ENG]
Los niños requieren del intercambio entre otros niños para crear venideras amistades. Es de conocimiento que los amigos se apoyan, se comprenden y se comunican, son eslabones de valores para preservar la amistad. En tal sentido, las madres de las niñas, al observar que han constituido convivir experiencias sin violar derechos en la jornada escolar o recreativa, han tomado la decisión de colaborar para mayores encuentros.
There is a fundamental process in the integral development of the infant. Every child needs to socialize with peers to exercise values that are evidenced in the exchange with those who create affective bonds. On the other hand, parents are role models and have the obligation to motivate the child to form respectful bonds with those who initiate and prolong a friendship. The following publication illustrates the personal and selfless union of 3 friends.
Children require the exchange between other children to create future friendships. It is known that friends support each other, understand each other and communicate with each other; they are links of values to preserve friendship. In this sense, the mothers of the girls, observing that they have been able to share experiences without violating their rights during the school or recreational day, have decided to collaborate for more encounters.
ENGLISH VERSION (click aquí!)
Recuerden que la amistad promueve el desarrollo también de emociones, por esta razón, entre ellas se ayudan a regular sus emociones, se solidarizan y festejan en comunión. Proceso importante en la madurez emocional para que aprendan a identificar las emociones y las razones para saber expresar el sentimiento que le acompaña sin herir al otro y aprender a retractarse al momento de ofender a un compañero mientras juegan y aprenden.
The moms decide that Fridays are after-school sharing days, so much so that the girls named the special days Party Fridays. The moms organize the day ahead of time or spontaneously so that they can enjoy gatherings in open places with other children or visit the home of one of the girls. This does not mean that the girls do not have differences; sometimes the moms leave it up to them, and sometimes they intervene so that they can work it out and the coexistence continues.
Remember that friendship also promotes the development of emotions; for this reason, they help each other to regulate their emotions, show solidarity and celebrate in communion. It is an important process in emotional maturity for them to learn to identify emotions and reasons to know how to express the feeling that accompanies them without hurting the other and to learn to retract when offending a partner while playing and learning.
ENGLISH VERSION (click aquí!)
Asimismo, las madres han fomentado la unión de las niñas, que ha permitido también consolidar la amistad de madres. Las representantes han nombrado los días de encuentro, Viernes de Terapia, porque ahí comparten experiencias y preocupación; aprenden a escuchar y respetar la opinión para que sabiamente exista la armonía en la situación de expresar sin tener que herir a ninguna. La confianza se ha incrementado durante 2 años que, las mamás son solidarias para atender y cooperar sin abusar de la confianza.
En virtud de la bella experiencia, las mamás inventaron la idea de despedir el año 2024 con una propuesta diferente. Disfrutar un día de pileta para merendar y realizar intercambio de regalos. Las mamás organizaron, primero entre ellas, sortear los nombres de las niñas y mencionar los intereses de ellas para saber qué comprar. Todo quedó muy bien, hubo piscina porque el clima estuvo a favor. Después merendaron, luego se les informó del intercambio que ellas desconocían porque las mamis sabían que no iban a guardar el secreto, así que en el último momento descubrieron a quién le regalaban y de quién recibían.
La amistad es fuente de energía, es la relación afectiva que motiva a las personas a continuar, generar felicidad y a padecer en compañía. Muchas veces sobrepasa el significado consanguíneo porque se le considera como miembro de la familia. Esta amistad de las 3 es el lenguaje del amor entre amigos. Poder compartir la sorpresa, hizo que las madres formaran parte de la felicidad, fortalece la dicha colectiva. Por ello, padres, refuercen las relaciones que valen la pena de los hijos, que servirán de bases para relaciones futuras.
Likewise, the mothers have fostered the union of the girls, which has also allowed them to consolidate the friendship of mothers. The representatives have named the meeting days, Therapy Fridays, because there they share experiences and concerns; they learn to listen and respect the opinion so that there is harmony in the situation of expressing without having to hurt anyone. Trust has increased over the past 2 years, and the moms have become more supportive and cooperative without abusing trust. In virtue of the beautiful experience, the moms came up with the idea of saying goodbye to the year 2024 with a different proposal. Enjoying a day at the swimming pool to have a snack and exchange gifts. The moms organized, first among themselves, to draw the names of the girls and to mention their interests in order to know what to buy. Everything went very well; there was a swimming pool because the weather was in favor. Then they had a snack, and then they were informed of the exchange, which they did not know about because the moms knew they were not going to keep the secret, so at the last moment they found out who they were giving and who they were receiving from. Friendship is a source of energy; it is the affective relationship that motivates people to continue, to generate happiness and to suffer in company. Many times it surpasses the consanguineous meaning because it is considered a member of the family. This friendship of the 3 is the language of love between friends. Being able to share the surprise made mothers part of the happiness, strengthens the collective joy. Therefore, parents strengthen the worthwhile relationships of children, which will serve as the basis for future relationships.
ENGLISH VERSION (click aquí!)
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