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another week and another challenge to put together this time a lineup with only rare and common drops which can be done since there are very interesting cards that can be used.
Rise of the Commons
Only common and rare units may be used in battles.
Summoners are unaffected by this rule.
My Battle
This time we only have the Rise of the Commons combat rule that only allows me to use rare or common cards, which limits but still allows me to use very interesting cards.
Additionally, we can only use up to 28 energy, which limits the amount of cards we can use but is still enough to make the alignment we want.
We can only use the colors red, white and dragon.
My Team
This summoner will be essential for victory, since the HEAL ability, which the summoner gives me, will allow my tank to resist and survive, allowing me to eliminate my enemy and thus obtain victory.
On this occasion this great tank with his 10 life, which gives him great resistance, in addition to his 4 attack power that increases to 6 and 3 speed due to his ENRAGE ability, which gives him the opportunity to eliminate faster to my opponent.
This card, in addition to providing 1 ranged attack, will also help regenerate my tank, being the second source of regeneration, which further increases the survival of my enemy.
Another card that will provide a third source of regeneration, being at least two moments in which it will be regenerated since my tank that will be regenerated by the summoner when damaged has 3 speed, this card has 3 speed and my VENARI CRYSTALSMITH 2 speed, which will ensure that by regenerating at different times, you have a better chance of living since it is not the same that they do you 10 damage and then regenerate it and that they do that same 10 total damage but it is half in a moment, it is regenerate and the other half and regenerate.
This will give my tank a better chance of surviving and winning.
This card will contribute to doing damage and in addition to the STUN ability, it makes my enemy's tank unable to attack for a turn, which will help even more to achieve survival, giving me the opportunity to eliminate my enemy before May this eliminate my tank.
RONDA 1 and 2
Round 1 I attack my enemy with all my cards, leaving his MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN at 6 life since it is regenerated by his GOBLIN PSYCHIC.
My enemy even though the total damage he can do is 12 damage, however my enemy cannot eliminate my tank since.
First he attacks my DRYBONE BARBARIAN with his MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN, but as he attacks him back, the 3 damage he did to him is also regenerated.
Then he attacks with his CHAOS AGENT and deals 2 damage but this is regenerated by my VENARI CRYSTALSMITH.
Then my enemy attacks the rest of the 3 cards in his lineup and they do 3 damage, leaving him at 7 life, thus managing to survive this turn even though they were able to do 12 total damage.
In round 2 I attack with 3 of my cards and eliminate his MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN with the last attack of my DRYBONE BARBARIAN which eliminates him, and he is also regenerated from 3 life to 9 life.
Then I attack his GOBLIN PSYCHIC with my VENARI CRYSTALSMITH but since it regenerates it remains the same with 3 life.
My enemy attacks my DRYBONE BARBARIAN with all his cards but since he regenerated first. They did not manage to eliminate him in their last opportunity and he remains at 3 life.
RONDA 3 and 4
In round 3 I managed to eliminate almost all my cards and eliminate his PSYCHIC GOBLIN before he attacks.
I manage to eliminate his CHAOS AGENT with my VENARI CRYSTALSMITH although he manages to attack.
My enemy attacks with all his cards and leaves him at 6 life since he regenerates.
Already in the 4th turn I eliminate my enemy before he manages to tie me up like this.
On this occasion the key to victory was a regeneration spiral in which the moments in which this occurred were different, so it was possible to regenerate the damage done to my tank, in such a way that even when the total sum of the The damage that my enemy could do to me was greater than the life of my tank, the moments in which he attacked were coordinated with the moments of regeneration, so that when my enemy attacked me, he had already regenerated in such a way that the damage The rest of the cards that were left to attack me were not enough to eliminate him, even though he had little life left.