Your notes ignite my skin

Don't stop, I beg you,
reach for the highest notes,
those that only your delicate fingers
can shape.
Your caresses are keys
that the subtle piano caresses,
impregnating with inspiration
every corner of my being,
shaking my soul
with the purest and most unique song.
A melody that no
could create
with such intense tunes
of overflowing passion.
There you are, my reality
and my most longed-for dream,
my troubadour, my muse,
the conductor of my orchestra.
You are the one I love
with every fibre of my body.
Your notes ignite my skin
with their fiery cadence
turning my existence
into an eternal symphony.
A symphony that only your heavenly hands
can compose,
pulling from my innermost being
the deepest emotions.
I am lost in your divine music,
surrendered at your feet.
