Hardest day so far, -5ºC weather tomorrow
Hardest Day So Far
Today was probably the hardest for me to get out and get my hours of walking. I ended up doing it anyway after convincing myself that missing one day would open the door to missing multiple days.
It was -4ºC for most of the day and it felt a little colder due to wind chill factor. I was also walking through a densely residential area so the sun, which was very low in the sky, was easily blocked out. This made it feel even colder than it was.
I wasn't the only one feeling the cold. Nearly everyone that I walked past either gave me the "brrr it's cold isn't it" look, or outright said something to that effect.
In terms of taking photos, there were many interesting shots I saw but just never took. Taking my hands out of my pocket was just not worth it for all but a few shots. I was particularly interested in crystalline patterns created by frozen moisture and condensation. It made me miss my old camera with the macro lens. I still have the camera, but the lens broke ages ago. i wouldn't take that camera out in this kind of cold anyway.
Tomorrow is another cold day with lows of -5ºC. I really feel for the homeless in my neighbourhood. I hope they have a place to stay warm because -5 degrees is starting to get a little dangerous to be outdoors all night. I remember we had some soup kitchen charity that used to help them with warm meals at least. Not sure what they're going to do now. We also have a few elderly people around here that I hope have heating. I saw the gas meter reading agents making the rounds today, some wearing body cameras. Some of these energy companies have no shame.
Peace & Love,
