
What the hell are they narrating or coordinating with the Q computers?"Unelected globalists at the World Economic Forum are calling on corporations & states to collude on controlling the quantum computing narrative"


ackza1.7 K2 years agoHive.Blog2 min read


WHat does this all mean? Do the Q computers interface directly with our reality and make decisions so perfectly that they just allow anyone to take over any market? They will have to use something like hive or telos and top 20/21 witnesses / BPs to vote on WHO or WHAT gets to ask the quantum computer questions in the Que or Line to use the system which you can see right here, yes its like that, yeah its like going to be a hive condensor lol gamified quantum computing to figure out WHO has the best decisions

Ahhh so those government NSA Q people have their own Q computers - and hive is quantum resistant thanks to @pibara !

well what are the Q ? oh CNN explained it 8 YEARS ago during Obama, as the NSA police who tracked down the deep fake known as Edward snowden who never existed maybe lol



here is a famous youtuber who does matha nd science and she, as a FEMALE taught me a MALE about how QUANTUM COMPUTERS are USED , as in how the interface and websitre looks liek hahaha and all ic an dois think "MAKE THAT A DAPP, SELL ACCESS TO QUANTUM COMPUTERS with HIVE COMMUNITIES AND TELOS DECIDE!

Hive Community to ask quantum computers questions about HIVE = We are off to teh races

from "Which hive engine token is most under valued" to "which hive community is most likely to have the most users" to |Which hive engine business model is the most likely to succeed"

When @hiveio and @telosnetwork start creating dapps to allow its best users to ask quatum computers questions lol we will end up refining our blockchains into viciously efficient economic machines


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