Ocarina of Time Walkthrough {The Great Deku Tree.}
Ocarina Of time Walkthrough.
{The Great Deku Tree.}
The following is a 100% {all items} walkthrough of Ocarina Of Time for N64. All pictures taken {below} are "unique" aka I played the game in real time as I made this guide aka I beat 100% of the game to make this guide. Follow along or use this guide if you get stuck. Okay ... let's get started. Go ahead and launch the game.
Once the game is launched you will see a title screen. Go ahead and press start.
Now you will see a file creation page. Go ahead and press start and then name your character! I named my Character @ackza. Now click on "end." You will be re-directed to the front page. But now you can see your file with your characters name! Click on it again.
One you open the file you have created you will be prompted to watch a few cut scenes that explain the legend behind the game. You cannot skip them.
Once the exposition is over you FINALLY have control over your character! THE ADVENTURE BEGINS! You start the game out in young links tree house where he grew up. Move your character to the left and out the door to get started.
Now you will enter into the first major area of the Ocarina of time game... The Kokiri forest! This beautiful forest map is where the Kokiri people live with their faeries. The first puzzle we must solve is finding THE GREAT DEKU TREE from the intro cut scene. To enter the secret area with the deku tree we need to find THE KOKIRI SWORD and the DEKU SHIELD.
Head forward away from the treehouse. Head left BEFORE the path forks. We need 40 rupees before we can get to the Deku tree so we will collect some on our way to the Kokiri sword. Basically we need to FIND the sword and BUY the shield.
There are 2 rupees {$} in the patch of grass. Now head up the ramp looking hill.
Hold forward and walk up the hill. you will see some low fences and big patches of grass. Just keep holding forward and you will climb onto the fence. We are heading towards the hole in the side of the hill.
When you climb on the fence hold forward and you will jump towards the hole.
When you reach the hole press A. You are now crawling through the hole in first person! Hold forward to crawl through the hole. You are now in the secret area where the Kokiri sword is hidden!
Snag that blue rupee to the right. Remember we need 40 rupees for the Deku shield. You want to get some of them now so you dont have to double back.
Now turn around and head down the path. WATCH OUT FOR THAT GIANT ROCK!
Follow the tall grass and you will earn more rupees. Head to the right and you will find another blue rupee which earns you 5 rupees at once. Turn around and head forward and you will find a treasure chest!
Walk up to the chest and press A. You will open the chest and out pops the Kokiri sword! This item will allow you to fight monsters and also slash bushes. You need it to enter the Great Deku Tree.
Go ahead and press start now. You will see a pause menu.
PRESS LEFT 4 TIMES. Now you can see the actual Kokiri Sword icon. Move the cursor over the sword icon and press A. NOW THE KOKIRI SWORD IS EQUIPPED!
Press B and take a practice swing! You will cut the sign in half! Now go ahead and back track to the hole in the wall and crawl back through.
When you exit the hole head towards the green bushes. Slash them with your sword. You need to earn 40 rupees for the Deku shield. GO AHEAD AND EXPLORE THE MAP UNTIL YOU FIND 40 RUPEES. If you get lost there is 5 rupees in the actual shop with the shield if you go into the back area. You can also throw rocks which regenerate and will give you rupees . Pick up rocks by pressing A.
The building with the lady on awning is the shop with the Deku shield.
Enter the shop and then walk up to the owner and press A. Then click on the Deku shield and buy it! NOW YOU ARE A PROPERLY EQUIPPED WARRIOR! Go ahead and walk out of the shop CLICK START AND EQUIP THE SHIELD LIKE YOU DID WITH THE SWORD.
See the fairy in the distance? By the 3 yellow buttons at the top? Head in that direction. You will see another Kokiri boy. Talk to him with A.
The boy will be very surprised that you managed to find a sword and shield to equip. He will reluctantly let you pass. Head down the path and avoid the first monsters which are giant flowers.
Once you reach the Deku tree you will see a short cut scene.
After you see the cutscenes you can now play a REAL dungeon! FINALLY!!
INSIDE THE DEKU TREE looks like a scary Dungeon but it's actually very easy. It's more like a practice Dungeon. YOU CAN DIE THOUGH so be careful.
Head straight forward. As you can see; you can walking right over that circular spiderweb. Head towards the vines on the wall.
Navi your fairy will tell you about how to climb up the wall. Go ahead and climb up it obviously. You just hold up to climb.
Head forward. There is only one direction to go. This dungeon isn't much of a puzzle like the later ones. Theres a treasure chest right on the path. Open the chest. There is a Dungeon map inside.
OHH NO!! IT'S OUR FIRST GAP TO JUMP OVER! Good news though: THE GAME HAS AUTO JUMP. Just hold forward and you will jump over the gap.
There is a door coming up. Head up to the door and then Navi the fairy will prompt you on how to open a door {like we dont know A opens doors in every game eye roll Navi is sort of a captain obvious in this game.}
There is an enemy in this room so act fast! Press Z to "Z target" the enemy. Then hold R to take your shield out THE ENEMY WILL SHOT AT YOU! The attack will bounce off your shield and hit the "Deku scrub."
The Deku Scrub will run away when you hit him. YOU NEED TO RUN UP TO HIM BEFORE HE GOES BACK INTO HIS HOLE. Press A to talk to him
The Deku Scrub tells you a "secret" which is really just a technique we haven't learned yet. Then the door behind the Deku Scrub unlocks.
Up ahead is a room with a floating platform and a treasure chest. Remember that this game has auto jump so just hold forward and jump across the platform to the treasure chest.
Open the chest. INSIDE IS THE FAIRY SLINGSHOT! This weapon is awesome. Its a high powered trajectory. This item is used a lot in puzzles.
If you have damage at this point: Climb up the vines and collect the spare heart in the treasure chest above where you are now.
This area is basically the first puzzle of the game. You need to shoot the area with the webbing and the ladder {with the fairy sling shot.} HOWEVER you need to go down to the bottom first and slash the weeds there. There will be deku seeds when you slash the grass. This is the ammo for the sling shot.
You need to equip the Fairy slingshot at this point. Equip it like you did with the Kokiri sword and Deku shield except you need to use a "C button" instead of A.
Climb back up: See how the fairy slingshot is now equipped under a c button?
Press and hold the c button you equipped the fairy slingshot to and point it at the ladder. Let go of the c button and you will hit the ladder. The ladder will fall. YOU ARE NOW FREE! Walk up the ladder and leave the room.
Take a right and go to the vines you didn't climb earlier {where you found the dungeon map.} Use the slingshot to kill the monsters on the vine.
MAKE SURE YOU KILL ALL 3 MONSTERS. There is one up really high. After you kill them go ahead and climb up the vines. It doesnt matter which direction you go. Up top is a circular pathway that leads in both direction to a single door.
Up ahead is another puzzle room. To the left is a switch on the ground. Step on it.
Three platforms will raise up from the ground. Jump forward and then jump left. Watch out of the spider monster. If he attacks you and you fall just kill it and start over. You can flip the switch over and over.
Ahead is the first GOLD SKULLTULA. This is an optional item we are going to collect. Slash it until it dies then collect it.
FLIP THE SWITCH ONE MORE TIME but this time jump forward both times to the big treasure chest.
You found the compass! Now exit the room. BUT WAIT ... THE DOOR IS LOCKED!
You need to find the Deku Flower and kill it to unlock the deku stick {item}.
Equip the stick with a "c button" and then take it out. see the torch with the fire burning? Move your stick over the fire and it will catch!
Now turn around and light the other unlit torch. The door will unlock.
PRESS B RIGHT AFTER THE DOOR UNLOCKS. This will swing your sword and put the stick away. {sticks can burn out and go away and you want it for later.}
Outside the door head left towards the gap in the spider webbing.
WATCH OUT! A spider will pop down. Simply wait till he turns around and slash him in the back. You need to kill the spider to continue.
Walk ... slowly ... towards ... the ledge. WOW what heights!
Believe it or not we are going to jump into that webbing! Make sure you line it up right and hit the very middle of the web! If you screw up you have to climb back up and you will take damage. If you jump too slowly you will grab onto the ledge.
You will take an exhilarating fall and break right through the spider webbing into an underground river! WELCOME TO THE 3RD PUZZLE ROOM.
Swim around until you find the underwater platform. Take out your fairy slingshot and loot at the vines that lead back up. You will see a gold skulltula. Kill it. Climb up and retrieve it.
There is another Gold Skulltula behind you . After you kill it you need to climb the ledge and jump off to collect it.
Climb back up onto the ledge and walk onto the switch. It will light the torch inside the webbing. Take out a stick and light it.
Now you need to jump onto the platform in the water and then jump across again. Its sort of difficult so move slowly and try to see the actual shape of the platform.
If you make the jump with your fire stick you will see another spider web you can light on fire. When the webs burn down there is a door to go through.
Inside the room is another annoying Deku shrub. Pull you shield out again.
When you beat the Deku Shrub he tells you a really "cool" password. 2...3...1
Now whip out that ole trusty slingshot and shoot the eye above the locked door.
THIS ROOM LOOKS SCARY! It's a very simple puzzle though. You just have to dive under the water and hit a switch. Navi tells you how to dive with A.
Now you can go back and jump into the platform. The water is lower so you wont hit the spiked log. Jump onto the other side.
Kill the spider and then navi will teach you how to move blocks. Move the block forward. Then you can climb it with A.
Ahead is a room with a deku flower and a lit torch ... hmm can you figure out this puzzle? It's pretty simple ... Light the unlit torch. Remember this is the practice puzzle dungeon it gets much harder.
Ahead is another room with a lit torch and webbing. HOWEVER you want to light the stick and then take a sharp right SKIPPING the big web and heading towards the smaller web. THERE IS A BIG MONSTER YOU WANT TO SKIP. It does a lot of damage so just run past the monster that drops down.
IF YOU GET CONFUSED JUST BURN DOWN BOTH WEBS. One web has a wall behind it and one has a hole that you are going to want to crawl through.
The good news is the monster can't follow you through the hole so thats a relief. Now you are in the top of that room you fell into earlier! A lot of the game is multi layered like this. See the block on the platform? Push it off the edge.
This part is a little tricky ... Light one of your sticks with the lit torch then TURN AROUND and run back and jump onto the block you just pushed off.
Now you actually have to ROLL over the webbing above the hole by pressing A. It's pretty touchy ... you need to be right over the center of the hole. You also have to jump up there and roll pretty quickly. It might take you a couple of tries.
Now you will fall very far into a small underground lake. You will see 3 Deku shrubs. Remember the password from earlier? 2..3..1. You must beat the shrubs in this order. Then talk to the last one who will run away. So be ready to chase him.
Make sure you collect extra hearts at this point if you are running out. IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT TO BE AT FULL HEALTH FOR THE BOSS. Walk through the door.
You are in a scary ... greenish cave. Walk forward and then loook up to reveal the FINAL BOSS Make sure you have your fairy slingshot ready.
THE FINAL BOSS IS ACTUALLY REALLY EASY The key is to first "Z target" the giant spider. Then pull out the fairy slingshot. When the spider goes all "red eye" shoot it once. This will paralyze the spider.
FOR SOME ODD REASON STICKS REALLY HURT THE SPIDER. So take a stick out and smack the spiders eye. The Spider will run away {coward}.
When the spider climbs up the wall take out your fairy slingshot. The spider will go "red eye" upside down and you want to paralyze it again. If you miss move around and shoot again.
Hit the spider with more sticks or slash away with your sword. you should be able to kill the beast this time. If not shoot it down again and slash some more. If you are about to die go slash some bushes in the corners of the map.
Collect the heart container.
Enter the blue portal to finish the Dungeon.
End Of The Great Deku Tree.
