Ocarina of Time Walkthrough {Jabu-Jabu's Belly}.
So far we have BEATEN THE GREAT DEKU TREE {https://peakd.com/hive-140217/@a1-shroom-spores/ocarina-of-time-walkthrough-the-great-deku-tree} and we have COMPLETED SOME SIDE QUESTS {https://peakd.com/hive-140217/@a1-shroom-spores/ocarina-of-time-walkthrough-after-the-deku-tree-side-quests} AND WE HAVE BEATEN DODONGO'S CAVERN {https://peakd.com/hive-140217/@a1-shroom-spores/ocarina-of-time-walkthrough-dodongo-s-cavern }
WE HAVE COMPLETED THE PRE-ZORA'S DOMAIN SIDE QUESTS {https://peakd.com/hive-140217/@a1-shroom-spores/ocarina-of-time-walkthrough-more-side-quests }
NOW IT'S TIME TO ENTER LORD JABU JABU'S BELLY! Go to the area where you can dive through the hole to Lake Hylia. To the right is an un-lit torch by a circle of rocks and some fish. Catch one of the fish in a bottle.
Now head back up the hill and release the fish right in front of LORD JABU JABU.
Now we are inside the 3rd Dungeon! After this Dungeon we become an adult!
There is a switch above the door you can z target and hit with your fairy bow. This unlocks the door. Go through the door.
The next room you just have to avoid the electric jellyfish.
In the next room we will meet PRINCESS RUTO! She will deny your help and walk away. THEN SHE FALLS DOWN A HOLE! Follow her.
Talk to the princess again and she will tell you to go away ... but then she says you can carry her around if you must.
Enter the closest door while holding the princess. Dodge past the bubbles in the next hallway.
Jump into the very shallow water and then throw the princess onto the other side.
Step on the switch and then swim over to the princess. There is a gold skulltula on the wall to the right side of the room.
Pick up the princess and walk down the hallway. There is a switch on the ceiling. Throw the princess at the switch or set her down and use the fairy bow.
In the next room up ahead is a REALLY annoying monster that spits at you from the water. Just dodge the bullets until the moving platform falls down.
Now you should be back in the room you met Princess Ruto. Dodge all the holes and the electric jellyfish. Open the door.
Ahead is a very dangerous room. There are electric sea snake type monsters that sting you if you get too close. I recommend running. Head to the right.
Step on the platform while holding the princess. Head in the unlocked door.
In the next room there are flying sting rays. Kill them with the fairy bow.
Inside the treasure chest is a BOOMERANG! This is an excellent weapon.
Walk forward though the newly unlocked area. Step on the blue switch on the ground. Then drop the princess on the switch.
To defeat the enemy in this room you should use Z targeting right away and head around the room in a circle. Throw your boomerang out at the enemy.
Grab the map. Leave the room.The door next to you is now open. Go in it.
Ahead is a room full of bubbles and a 40 second count down. Quickly use your boomerang to destroy every bubble.
You go the compass! Now head out the door head left and take the next left. IT'S EASY TO GET LOST AT THIS POINT. If you do get lost; just open doors till one locks behind you.
Kill this enemy with your boomerang like you did previously.
There is a final room straight ahead of where you met the princess. Inside is a final enemy that swings from the ceiling. This time theres jellyfish also so be careful.
Now there is a new hole you can fall into in the room you met the princess {first hole on the right}.
See the Gold Skullatula? It's up kind of high to collect. Use your boomerang to bring the Gold Skulltula to you. The boomerang is a tool to collect Gold Skulltulas.
There is another Gold Skulltula to the right.
Enter the door up ahead. There is a room with a large circular platform with spikes. Priness Ruto sees the 3rd Spiritual stone and gets excited.
She grabs the stone ... but then the platform rises quickly! Down comes the mini boss! This boss is easy just hit it with the boomerang. when it is stunned BACKWARDS you can hit the "bulb" sticking out with your sword.
After you kill the mini boss jump onto the platform on the center of the room.
There are faeries in the clay pots in this room. Bottle them.
Up ahead you will see red, sponge-like monsters. hit them with a boomerang and they turn blue. JUMP ONTO THE BLUE SPONGES. They are platforms now.
The next room has a platform you have to just walk onto and it drops.
If you hadn't noticed ... you are back at the beginning of the map. Except there is a new area open. There is a blue switch .. but you dont have the princess anymore. So grab a wooden box and drop that on the switch.
There is a room ahead with vines that contains a Gold Skulltula.
Climb the vines until you reach the platform above. Then use the z target on the switch. Fire your boomerang away! Head into the unlocked door.
Time to beat the boss! This boos is pretty easy .. but you can take a lot of damage and die if you aren't careful. Make sure to keep the boss Z targeted and use the boomerang often. When the jellyfish detach ... kill them quickly.
End Of Dungeon.
