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So many pain killers 馃拪 so many birthdays 馃巶 馃コ I'm feeling old 馃懙馃馃ぃ鉂わ笍


karenb548.9 Klast yearPeakD3 min read

I have been taking painkillers for so long now l have a few different problems such as Osteoarthritis, Fibromylagia, Depression and more. I have taken these tablets for quite a few years and got on OK with them until the last few months. I've started having a few stomach problems.


The above tablets Naproxen are the problem, I have to take these when my pain flares up, I used to take up to 2 Somedays then on other days none, these days were very few. When you take these meds you have to take another medication such as Lanzaprazole to stop the Naproxen from burning your stomach lining. I did this but still got problems, I now have Gastritis, my stomach hurts with constant gurgling. I now have to be careful what I eat as anything with a little spice makes me doubled up with pain.

Now why can't they prescribe Cannabis, I could probably come off all my painkillers and be a lot happier. I wouldn't know where to start with it, I would need someone to show me how to use it. Nearly 60 and hasn't a clue. If anyone has a Dummies book for Cannabis can I lend it. 馃槂


I am planning my birthday, my daughter wants to go out for the day but hubby and my mother in law want to go for a meal to celebrate, looks like I'm going to have a busy day. Ny daughter wants to take me out for a shopping day as we really love those days together then get home for hubby to go for a meal. I am going to choose the restaurant, I want to go sonewhere new. That's my task for tomorrow to go ovine and search for a good restaurant that has good reviews. I haven't a clue what I want for my birthday, think I have everything I need, I've had 58 birthdays already, aslong as I have my favourite people around me then I'm happy. My hubby, daughter and mother in law are everything to me, they make my life better plus push me to do things instead of staying home. We all need a good support team around us.

I'm dreading next years birthday, I will be 60, its such a big number haha Do I book somewhere and have a big family party or do something else. 60... How did that happen.

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