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hopestylist3.8 Klast month4 min read

As much as I'd appreciate my privacy, it's only a matter of time before I will realize that I'd not prefer that. Well, until we face some situations in life, we never get to see the good and bad of something or people. Being a subject of a country comes with some responsibility or allegiance. And one major responsibility is submission to those in leadership position. Too bad most leaders are becoming a bone in the throat but still we have little or no choice but to submit to their leadership.


Personally, I don't have any problem sharing my information with the government, the only place I get a problem with doing that is the long procedures that it takes most of the time. And meanwhile, it's not as if I can avoid not giving them those information. For one, the government having most of our personal information is something that is necessary for us to process so many things that would be of great benefits to us.

Traveling out of a country is only possible if you are legally recognized. No one wants to know if you fell from the ski or something, you have to have a nationality or something that you can be recognized with. Without anything to identify you as a citizen from one country or tribe, it is almost impossible for you to move to another country because no one would want to associate with you because they don't even know anything about you.

The government having our information doesn't stop us from living a private life. Funny enough, we are the ones who make ourselves more vulnerable with our personal data the more we sign up to different social media handles online so I really don't see any reason why anyone should complain about that because we have the choice to either accept or reject it. But then we do know that rejecting some of those access to our personal data means limited access to a lot of things on the internet too.


So after comparing our losses and our profits, we will only get to see more reasons why sharing those data with the internet is not really something that would take so much from us but it only helps to give us better experiences. Sharing our personal data with the internet becomes a threat when we don't follow some set out procedures to keep them safe.

But then, even after knowing that it is necessary sharing our personal data, it's good to know some of the downsides that it can attract to us. One of the major downsides I see in this is the fact that some people can easily steal your information and use it for fraudulent activities. Seeing how much people have gotten into trouble for something they didn't do, most times it's all because of the data we've shared with the government or with the internet.

Sadly, there is really no better way yet to keep most of our data more privately but then there are a few security measures we can take to keep our data more privately and that is having strong passwords for almost everything we do and also changing our passwords whenever we suspect something so we can easily save ourselves from falling victim to those scammers out there.

This is my little take on this particular topic by the Hivelearners community on "SHOULD YOUR DATA BE PRIVATE?" I do think for security reasons it should be private but then for accountability, it shouldn't be private because we never know what might happen to us. But we should also have it in mind that there are still some areas where we still get to have our privacy and I think that is just enough.

Privacy is attainable but will you go for it and miss out on all the other benefits or you will just try as much as possible to be alert?

All Images used are mine


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