
Statix-X | Push it | Guitar Cover


deadspace2.5 K27 days agoPeakD

Wake up babe, new guitar cover dropped! Just popping in here to drop a link to the cover I recently recorded of an oldie nu-metal song from the band Static-x. Not really sure how many people on this platform would even remember this band, though they have been having a bit of a comeback recently (Which has been weird, since Wayne Static their front man died like a decade ago. And, now they someone cosplaying him as their new front man.) I know I haven't been posting too much on here recently, but I'm just honestly at a weird point in my life and haven't really had much drive to make or share content on here because of it. Hope anyone reading this has been doing well recently and enjoys the video. Hopefully I'll be more active sometime soon since I feel like I've missed a lot of posts in the past few weeks, though to be honest my ADHD brain just skims a lot of the content on here anywho since reading 7 page essays gets old really fast.

Well, until next time my doods. Later!


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