
I have been hacked.


cli4d528.299 months agoPeakD4 min read
  Hello there fellow Hivers! How are you doing today? I hope all is well with you. It's been a while since I published a blog here in Hive and sadly I am just here again just to share bad news.

Image from Unsplash by Towfiqu barbhuiya

Four days ago, upon checking my wallet a transfer has been made from my account to another account. Confused at first, I thought it was some sort of UI glitch. Then little by little the seriousness of the situation comes to sink in. I immediately messaged my partner and informed him to check my wallet activity from his end if there was really a fund transfer. While waiting for his reply, I remember being fidgety in front of my laptop, having rapid breathing, and noticing that I am tapping my foot. I am nervous and near to having a panic attack but still, I tried to stay calm.

That time I wish the things that I saw isn’t true.

However, I received a response from @dennnmarc and he confirmed that there’s a fund transfer to a user named @auzifalevi. After hearing that, I felt numbed and I don’t know what to say or react to anymore. The money stolen from me isn’t my money. It's from my father who bestowed his trust to me and gave a portion of his savings to grow it here in Hive.


A total of 379 Hive was robbed from me and I don’t even know how that ‘hacker’ compromised my wallet since I am also meticulous in protecting my keys and my security online. I informed the Hive PH community about what happened to seek some possible answers and explanations about what happened and also warned them to be careful.

According to them, one of the possible ways for a hacker to have access to my keys is thru dapps. But as clear as crystal water, I haven’t remember giving any authorization from any suspicious dapps unless it was recognized as legitimate by the Hive community. Another thing is, I was inactive from writing for several weeks already so I don’t have any blockchain activities. I am just lurking here checking my notifications, wallet, and Hive’s price. Here’s a screenshot of the apps that have access to my keychain:


I was advised to change my account’s password and generate new keys. I had already done this and stored my keys in a safe place. I also ran an antivirus software on my laptop to check if there was malware but fortunately, there’s none. I checked my browser history and cleared them to sign me out to several websites including the possible phishing website I have encountered. I also checked my Gmail accounts for some suspicious log-ins but there's also none.

Out of desperation, I also contacted @auzifalevi to return my funds but he/she hasn’t responded yet. But @auzifalevi in case you’re reading this, please be fair. Return the money that isn’t yours.

The funds transferred to user @auzifalevi was again transferred to another account named @hamna. From there, it was sent to a trading wallet.


I’m feeling helpless as I watch the money jump from another account to another. It's becoming clear now that the ‘hacker’ don’t have any remorse for the thing he has done. It looks like he/she enjoying the fruits of the labor of others.

To anyone reading this, please be cautious about the security of your account. I hope these blockchain hackers won't have any victims anymore. Up until now I don't have any idea how they bypassed my wallet.

Before I end this post, I am knocking on your good heart to ask for your assistance so I can cover the funds that I lost. It will be a great help and I will look at it as a debt of gratitude. Thank you so much!


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